Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Taking Care of Baby: Cutting Nails

Because your baby's fingernails grow very quickly and your baby can easily scratch himself or herself, file or cut the nails about twice a week. Your baby's toenails don't grow as quickly. You can probably get away with cutting them a couple of times a month. Just watch out for any jagged edges that you may need to trim.

Whether you opt for baby scissors or a nail file is up to you. Considering the tiny size of your baby's nails, decide which one you're most comfortable using. Filing generally runs less of a risk that you'll cut your baby's skin. Never bite off your baby's nails -- you could give your baby an infection.

Here are some tips to make cutting your baby's nails easier:

Cut your baby's nails after a bath, when they're softer. Sometimes it helps to trim a baby's nails when the baby is asleep and relaxed.
If you use scissors or a nail clipper, press the skin under the nail down so you can get to the nail more easily. It may help to have your partner hold the baby's hand steady the first few times so you can concentrate on cutting.
Trim your baby's fingernails following the natural curve of the nail. Cut toenails straight across.
Use a nail file after clipping to smooth any jagged edges.
If you accidentally nip your baby's skin with the scissors, apply gentle pressure with a tissue or piece of gauze. Use a tiny bit of ointment on the cut. Don't put on a Band-Aid because your baby could choke on it.
(Extracted from WebMD)

Personally, my mother-in-law cuts BB's nails most. This is because I am not used to cutting his nails. There was one time, his nail was ingrown, until the finger turned green literally! Thus, it is important not to cut too deep. We went to the PD and she use a needle to poke that area and all the puss from that area oozed out, then we had some anticeptic cream to apply for a few days afterwards. It was alarming because it was the first time I saw part of a finger turn green. Hope this guide helps whoever who wanna cut a baby's nails:)

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